Dr. Battery LGT217 Notebook Battery for Acer

MX31194 LGT217 Notebook Battery for Acer
MX31194 LGT217 Notebook Battery for Acer

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 1.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
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Wednesday, January 3, 2018
By: Ceri Thomas
From: Calgary, AB

Not a good buy


The price was the ONLY okay thing.


Doesn't last as long as the original under first use. Complete failure before two years. Customer service by manufacturer, is unbelievably poor. Memory Express only offers very limited warranty.

Additional Comments:

I bought this battery two years ago. It stopped holding it's charge a few months ago. It never lasted as long as the original it claimed to replace. I had the same issue on four other laptops. So I'm sure it's the brand. I now only buy batteries that are of another reputable brand that offer quality products. Memory Express should carry replacement consumables equal in quality to the product they sold in the first place. After 23 years of shopping here blindly, I'm gonna shop more carefully.
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