Logitech B100 Optical Mouse

MX34717 B100 Optical Mouse
MX34717 B100 Optical Mouse MX34717 B100 Optical Mouse

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5.0 / 5 With 3 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
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Wednesday, May 15, 2019
By: Adam
From: Calgary

Best mouse


Cheap, Works Perfectly with no drivers



Additional Comments:

You can buy a $150 dollar mouse that might have an issue or two, or you can buy this and have a perfect mouse that feels good and has zero problems. just adjust settings with the default windows driver and get it how you want.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
By: John
From: Calgary

Great quality


Long lasting, takes a lot of abuse


none for a plain mouse

Additional Comments:

I am writing this review because I have to replace my B100 mouse after 3+ years of use on my main computer. This is after thousands of hours of use and some abuse. If you want something at this simple and will last a long time, this is a great mouse.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
By: Josh M
From: Edmonton

Very sturdy; good quality


Very sturdy. Comfortable. Accurate. Doesn't need all the bells and whistles of a gaming mouse, it gets the job done and does it well.


Wire has no easy wrapping or storage, but this is very minor.

Additional Comments:

I have always trusted Logitech for high quality devices, and this product only reinforced that trust. The mouse is simple, clean, sturdy, and works instantaneously out of the box no matter what operating system (I tested on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Linux Debian / Ubuntu). If you need a simple mouse that works great right away, this is the one. Or also try out the Logitech B120 mouse (MX41404) with side scrolling :)
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