Startech USB Mini Wireless-N Network Adapter

MX54147 USB Mini Wireless-N Network Adapter
MX54147 USB Mini Wireless-N Network Adapter MX54147 USB Mini Wireless-N Network Adapter MX54147 USB Mini Wireless-N Network Adapter

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 3.5 / 5 With 2 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
By: BK
From: Vancouver

Works OK


Low profile, cheap


Takes a while to reconnect on wakeup, loses known connections on restart

Additional Comments:

Bought it when the WIFI card on my MBP bit the dust. I like just leaving it in the USB port and not worrying about breaking it off. When waking the computer from sleep it takes a good 15-20 seconds to reconnect, and doesn't seem to remember known connections after a restart, forcing you to re-enter network passwords. Connection speed seems to be suitable for basic browsing and streaming. Overall a cheap, but not perfect, solution to connecting to wifi networks.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
By: Jon B
From: Calgary

Good for IOT projects, in my case, the Raspberry pi 2 model B.


Used it for OSMC on the Pi and it works well. Fairly easy to setup on OSMC. Cost effective. Multiple OS's supported.

Additional Comments:

A cheap and effective solution for connecting to the internet via Wifi for IOT devices.
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