Seagate 10TB IronWolf NAS HDD, SATA III w/ 256MB Cache

MX80691 10TB IronWolf NAS HDD, SATA III w/ 256MB Cache
MX80691 10TB IronWolf NAS HDD, SATA III w/ 256MB Cache MX80691 10TB IronWolf NAS HDD, SATA III w/ 256MB Cache

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Saturday, January 1, 2022
By: Cody
From: Edmonton

So far, impressive


Read/Write speeds are pretty good for a HDD Works right out of the box


Noisy when it is hard at work

Additional Comments:

While I have yet to reach a month of use, so far this hard drive is serving impressively. It has good read write speed, it immediately worked upon initializing it and I have had no storage issues so far. The build I use this in utilizes Virtual Machines and transferring large files has produced no issues. It is too soon to say anything on lifespan since I have only had this hard drive in action for under a month, but so far it is promising.
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