Toshiba 4TB Canvio Ready Portable USB Hard Drive, Black

MX00115758 4TB Canvio Ready Portable USB Hard Drive, Black
MX00115758 4TB Canvio Ready Portable USB Hard Drive, Black MX00115758 4TB Canvio Ready Portable USB Hard Drive, Black MX00115758 4TB Canvio Ready Portable USB Hard Drive, Black MX00115758 4TB Canvio Ready Portable USB Hard Drive, Black

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 1.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
By: Mark
From: Calgary





Write speed deteriorated after 8 months of use.

Additional Comments:

The drive worked well at first and was comparable in performance to other external HD's I've owned from WD and Seagate. After several months of periodic use, the write speed slowed to the point that the drive is basically unusable. I did the standard trouble shooting, like using a different USB port, trying a different cable, tried it on a different OS, write speed seldom goes above 5 MB/s. Looked online and the same problem is reported by other owners of this drive, due to its SMR (shingled Magnetic Recording) design. Moral of this story, when choosing an external hard drive, make sure it's CMR (Conventional Magnetic Recording) and not SMR.
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