Dr. Battery LAS237 14.8V Notebook Battery For ASUS Laptops

MX42906 LAS237 14.8V Notebook Battery For ASUS Laptops
MX42906 LAS237 14.8V Notebook Battery For ASUS Laptops

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 1.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Monday, August 15, 2016
By: lisa
From: Edmonton

weak battery, don't buy


available in town


new battery lasts less than 60 minutes under normal use, less if playing video or using the internet.

Additional Comments:

My old battery would last only 20 minutes after 4 years use. This new battery lasts less than 60 minutes and drains out at an exponential rate. Don't expext to be able to do anything reliable with this battery.
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