UGREEN Bluetooth 5.0 Transmitter and Receiver

MX00123414 Bluetooth 5.0 Transmitter and Receiver
MX00123414 Bluetooth 5.0 Transmitter and Receiver MX00123414 Bluetooth 5.0 Transmitter and Receiver

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Monday, February 26, 2024
By: Stephen Barrington Leigh
From: Edmonton



-Easy setup/pairing process once you learn how -Intuitive design


-Significant distortion at high volume levels -Battery life leaves something to be desired

Additional Comments:

I bought this Bluetooth transmitter/receiver to allow my 4K receiver to transmit over Bluetooth for maximum mobility while listening to music. After having to some trouble connecting my headphones (I made a very well-designed, easy to connect transmitter more complicated than it needs to be as the instructions are a bit lacking in clarity), I realized that all I needed to do was hold the button down and voila! I heard a reassuring "Bluetooth Connected" voice over my headphones followed by the music I was trying to listen too. I then pushed my luck too far and turned my volume up on my receiver and got a very distorted sound over my headphones. I turned the volume down to a still very loud level and the distortion disappeared. Lesson learned. I am currently listening to the audio over my headphones and the audio quality is excellent, as I have come to expect from Sony's headphone drivers. My main concerns still is the audio quality as good as directly connecting my headphones or is there she interesting distortion in using them, and having to charge them more often than I might like. Charging instantly turns off the transmitting function, so one has to charge them before use. Overall, I am happy I bought it. UGreen certainly has Bluetooth products down pat.
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