LG WH16NS40 16x Internal Blu-ray Writer, Black

MX69819 WH16NS40 16x Internal Blu-ray Writer, Black
MX69819 WH16NS40 16x Internal Blu-ray Writer, Black MX69819 WH16NS40 16x Internal Blu-ray Writer, Black

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 2.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Saturday, October 26, 2019
By: James
From: Calgary

Reads blurays but can't consistently read DVD's


Can read/play a Blu-ray disk


Fails trying to read DVD's randomly

Additional Comments:

Very glad I was installing this inside a PC that had 2 drive bays because the intent was to toss out my older ASUS DVD reader/burner and use the Blu-ray reader in its place. Problem is...about the ONLY thing this reader can do consistently is read Bluray...NOT DVD's!!! Now I have to use 2 drives instead one one. If it wasn't beyond the warranty period this junk would have gone back immediately
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